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Indoor air quality and energy efficiency are the two greatest concerns when it comes to air conditioning.

Americans spend about 90% of their time indoors, so having really high indoor air quality is essential to our health and happiness. Often, this means that you have to run your air conditioner more often, which might not always be the best for energy efficiency.

Energy efficiency isn’t just about financial savings. It’s also about saving the planet from our greenhouse gas emissions. Today, we’re going to tell you how to balance indoor air quality and energy efficiency with your AC unit.

Heating and cooling maintenance is at the crux of this issue, so keep reading to learn what you need to do to improve your air quality without breaking the bank.

Better Ventilation, Better Indoor Air Quality

Believe it or not, one of the keys to maximizing indoor air quality involves turning your AC unit off. According to the EPA, indoor air can be 2-5 times more polluted than outdoor air.

Turn the AC off from time to time, open up your windows, and let the fresh air breeze through your home. Not only will you be improving your indoor air quality, but you’ll save money by not running the AC all the time.

Treat Your HVAC Unit Well

You have to treat your AC unit with respect if it’s going to function properly and boost your indoor air quality. For instance, changing the filters on a regular basis will ensure that the unit is filtering out pollutants from the air.

When you fail to replace the filter, it’s not just letting dust and debris into the air that you breathe. Dirty filters also cause your AC unit to have to work much harder to get your home to the desired temperature. More often than not, this ends up with major AC problems.

Another thing you should be doing on a regular basis is cleaning your vents. Dirty vents will wear out your air filter more quickly, resulting in more contaminants and lower air quality.

Get an AC and Heating Tune-Up When Needed

If you start to notice issues with your HVAC unit, whether it’s your air conditioner leaking or failing to cool your home, type “AC repair near me” into Google. Those in the Louisville area will find us at One Choice Mechanical.

We’ll take a look at your AC unit and give you an AC repair free estimate. It’s important to have your AC unit professionally maintained on a regular basis. Likewise, you need to get it repaired as soon as you start to notice AC problems so that they don’t get worse.

Heating and Cooling Near Me

It’s possible to combine really good indoor air quality with energy efficiency. With good AC equipment, regular maintenance, and smart AC usage, there’s no reason why you can’t enjoy really clean air and lower energy bills.

To book heating and cooling maintenance with one of the top AC companies in Louisville, call the experts at One Choice Mechanical. Don’t hesitate to contact us for a free estimate today.

(502) 242-8204