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Keep Your Home’s Indoor Air Fresh and Clean with an ERV

Having clean fresh air in your Fern Creek, Kentucky, home should always be a top priority. A perfect solution to having fresh indoor air all year long is to have an Energy Recovery Ventilator (ERV) system installed in your home. From reducing allergy symptoms to saving money on energy bills, an ERV provides numerous benefits to you and your family. Let’s take a look at a few of the benefits you will receive.

Reduce Allergy and Asthma Symptoms

Flowers, trees, and grasses produce pollen in the springtime that can make those who have allergies and asthma miserable. One of the best ways to keep the air inside your home fresh without allowing pollen to enter is to have our Trane FreshEffects Energy Recovery Ventilator installed. The ERV removes and expels stale inside air and replaces it with fresh outside air. The filters in the ERV effectively trap and capture the pollen before they enter your home, allowing you to breathe easier.

Keep Your House Smelling Fresh

Everyday odors that come from pets, cooking, and household cleaners are sometimes overwhelming in a closed-up house. Those odors can become trapped in the ductwork of your HVAC system and then enter your home when you turn the system on. An ERV will trap the particulates that cause unpleasant odors so your house will smell fresh and clean.

Save Money on Energy Bills

An Energy Recovery Ventilator captures moist air before it enters your home, resulting in lower indoor humidity levels. Because drier air feels cooler than humid air, you can set the temperature of your thermostat to a higher setting and still feel cool. By raising the temperature even a small amount, your air conditioner doesn’t have to work as hard to keep your home comfortable and you will save on energy costs.

Call our expert team at One Choice Mechanical, LLC today at (502) 242-8204 to schedule an appointment and learn how to improve your indoor air quality by installing an ERV in your home.

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(502) 242-8204